Canceled Class!! yay
My Art history class got canceled today because my teacher is sick! i know i shouldn't be this excited but none of us actually wanted to go to class today and our dreams came true :) there was actually cheering when we found out haha. but now i have time to write yayay
I had 2D yesterday after my LES excursion i really like the project we are doing. its of sillouettes that we made in illistator and we have to make a sequence like this one we made in class from black to white. its kinda complicated but way fun. heres my project and the the class mural we made that we are kind of basing it all on how it goes from black to white.

while im at it adding all of these pictures here is my first 2D project... the assignment is kinda confusing and hard to explain but the final products came out kinda cool and my teacher really liked them!

His favorite was the one with all the small shapes. 2D is a cool class because half of it is using the computer and Adobe Illistrator and the other half is using traditional matereals and methods. this project we switched it around and colored things in and scanned them and used both evenly. i really like the class and i am getting pretty got at illistrator which i know will come in handy later!
Yesterday night was fun. we bought paper and used our printer for the first time so i could print out my paper (for art history which i didnt really need)... it works pretty good which is exciting because before we had to walk over 5 blocks just to print something but now it is the comfort of our home! we watched a couple movies while we did work (in her shoes and borat) and then randomly pretty late at night we made one of the muffin mixes Grandma gave me when she came in our new muffin tin. we thought sean should have birthday muffins for the morning! its crazy that she is twenty years old! that seems so far away to me but really its less than two years! AHHH we tease her and tell her its half way to 40 haha. scary. she is going out to dinner and shopping with her mom and me sierra and our friend Andrea from Canada are gonna make her suprise birthday cupcakes or a cake or something. she is not coming back to really late so we can make it really fun and complicted!
This morning i had 3D we have a substitute because our normal teacher is away in some forign country i have never heard of doing some big sculpture project. we have been working on our wire sculpture (i will show you when im finished) and watching alot of movies and documentarys that have alot to do with what we are doing while we work. we watched the movie Dogville with Nicole Kidman. i really have no clue how that movie relate to what we are doing. it was kinda strange if you have ever seen it... intresting but strange. and today we watched a really cool video about chain reactions here is a link to part of the video (it is really long like a half an hour but this is only like a 5 min clip) i thought it was really cool :)
ohh i was playing around with my new printer scanner copy combo (haha that sounds so hi-tech) and i scanned this picture that i had on my wall. it is like my favorite... its priceless really. i love it. there are no words

Adam, David, and Victoria at burlingame and sadly they are all still the same haha :) i love it
well i think i out did myself this time... im gonna work on my Critical Reading and Writing paper for tommorow were going to the cooper hewitt tommorow uptown so that might be fun. i have drawing later too and im meeting with my Lab group after class to discuss what pictures we want to use!
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