Aw... Today..
Today was like.... Amazing (minus the Latin final). I couldn't imagine leaving without a day like this!! I would like to thank all the people who helped me have fun on my last day (you know who you are!!) and I am gonna miss you guys SO MUCH!!! I would like to create a picture documentation of the event! First it was Chinese with the bus crew plus Rach....

Girls... may we always have cheap Chinese, dirty fortunes, cherry stems and The Lion King to fall back on when times get bad!!
Then it was a little harmless fun in Payless

who have too much time on our hands

Then it was to my house for the partay!
Popsicles+ Cake+Spicegirls= Good time

Fun in the pool with noodles, Marco polo, walk offs, Chicago and chicken fights.

Then a little DDR (dance dance revolution... what else?) to get as all sweating and having athsma attacks
Whats a party with out a little dance dance?? that would be no party at all!

And trying to figure out what a dik dik is. The world may never know!
Girls (and Jon) it has been a trip! and now that 'Schools out for summer' (what is a last day of school with out a little Alice Cooper?) and I am leaving tommorow (don't get me started on that or I will cry) I wanna thank you all for being there for me.... I promise lots of emails!!! <3 always and forever!!!
yesterday was so amazing! I couldn't have asked for a better way to kick off the summer!
OMFG SARAH I FOUND OUT WHAT A DIK DIK IS!!! "The dik-dik is a small antelope named for the sound it makes when alarmed that lives in the brush of southern and eastern Africa. The dik-dik stands 30-40 cm at the shoulder and weighs 3-5 kg. It has an elongated snout and a soft coat that is gray or brownish above and white below. The hair on the crown forms an upright tuft that sometimes partially conceals the short, ringed horns of the male." Hahaha, I <3 GOOGLE! lol I'M GONNA MISS YOU LIKE CRAZY!!!
I pretty much really kinda sorta MISSYOU! I hope you are having a blast at RISD. I have spent the past 24 hours watching Gilmore Girls season 1 thanks to you and your fantastic ability to share! I will try and send you a care package call and let me know what you want(i make awesome cookies). any who miss you ttys have tons of fun
p.s. i get my braces off friday yay
Lisa Corinne
Super color scheme, I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.
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