I Miss Sarah!!!

This blog was created so everyone can keep in contact with me while I have fun without all of you! Come and see what I am doing and leave me messages!! YAY! You can also email me at FashionOutcast@hotmail.com or IM me at FashionOutcast <3 <3

Monday, June 26, 2006

Uh Oh!

So Today was my first day of classes but guess what?? Somebody COMPLEATLY like lost her voice!! I have like had a cold all last week and i though it was like just alergy related but i my voice was just getting worse and worse. And last night we had a little dorm party with all the girls on out floor and we stayed up to like 2am laughing, talking, giving eachother henna tattoos(mine is really cool!! this Textile Major named Sadie did it for me... it is beautiful!) and fooling around. And you all know me... when i get excited about something i talk REALLY loud and sometimes i like scream. So after all that fun i went to bed ( i could barely breath then cuz i was so congested) and i woke up with like a REALLY REALLY hoarse voice. And i probly shouldn't have, but i talked with it all morning and by lunch break it was basically gone. It was kinda wierd meeting new people (they are EVERYWHERE!) and not being able to talk to them really well. It made me really frustrated!! I went to the nurse on campus (it is like the 3rd day and we are already on a name to name basis!! we will be best friends by the end knowing me!) and she said it was probally just a really bad cold virus. She gave me some cough drops and sudafed and told me to use my inhaler alot. I went to dinner already and i got like gingerale, lemon tea, soup and i basicaly chugged a package of honey in desperation (because my fellow fashion major Abby from Baltimore said that is what kelly clarkson does before her shows when her voice is hoarse! hasn't really helped yet... just really sugary!) I think i am just gonna take it easy for the rest of the day so i can be okay maybe tommorow. My new friends Sara, Marissa and abunch of other people from my dorm were gonna go to Urban Outfitters (reall cool trendy store if you don't know it) and get some like ethnic food or something and i really wanted to go but i think this is the best thing. I am just gonna stop talking ( i will use this cool white board thing my room mate Karissa bought to communicate!!), do my homework (i will get to that later), gargle some salt water (another nurse pointer), and go to sleep alittle earlier (like before 1am might be good!!). Every one is being really nice about it though (even though they all are paranoid about catching it) I really like the girls at my doom... they are such sweet hearts and really care about me getting better! I can tell we are all gonna be really close by the end cuz we kinda already are!!

Okay.... now about my 1st day of Fashion class. Um well we all woke up a little late (me, Sara, Karissa, and Marissa) and we had to like run to get breakfast... then i realized i forgot my barbie doll (it was actually on our supply list!! i am still pumped about it!) so i ran back to get it. we actually decorated them last night with markers... we gave them highlights, nailpolish, tattoos and gave them names (mine is Starr with 2 r's!)... it was really funny!! but any way i went and got it... and we were so late all i had time to get was an apple and a piece of pumpkin bread (not half bad) thankfully my friend Liz who i mentioned yesterday supplied me with really good coffee in me really cute travel coffee mug ( I love her already!!) so i didn't have to get the schools not as good coffee! We actually really had no clue where our class was too and we were late! we we all like asked this janitor lady and the said it was in the same building the theater is in... so we went there and like searched the whole place and found like nothing! then we asked th guy in the mail room and he said it was like way far down the road (like 5 so blocks) so we like sprinted and finaly got there like a min late... it wasn't a big deal because they were like just handing out packets but we felt like such rebels because we got to sit in the way back (they are like school like desks). It turns out that the way they organize the program is that from 9-12 we are in this big building with like all the fashion kids and all the teachers for like lectures and stuff (we acually take notes and have exams... it is like school all over again... but funner!) then after our lunch break we split up into small 20 people groups and have instructional lessons with just one teacher. The first class was fun because i was with my crew and still kinda had my voice. we were intoduced to the teacher and teachers assistants and got to hear about their backgrounds (mine like designs sweaters and Kathy lee Gifford wore it on her christmas special and mentioned it and she got like really popular). For the rest of the time we talked about supplies and expectations and then watched a movie about the industry. After we got some supplies that we needed (another 100 bucks!!) we grabbed some lunch ( my voice was basically gone then) and went (kinda late again) to our second class. I though i was all alone and new no one but this really cool girl Zoey from Santa Fe New Mexico who is in my dorm ended up being there too. I (struggled but I) met abunch of new people. I met my first International kids... one is from Hong Kong and another is originaly from India but lives in Japan. They both speak perfect english and i was talking to them before and couldn't tell they weren't from the US until they said so. Both of them are really nice! A also met a guy (he is gay, I have assumed but not flamboyent and is intrested in mens wear so you never know!) named Robert from San Antonio TX who is really nice too. I sat in between him and Zoey in class. It was hard not being able to communicate very well with my teacher and my new friends but i really learned alot and had some fun too! We learned how to draw flats which is like what a piece of clothing looks like when you lay it down on the floor. they are what you give to your seamstress and pattern makers so they know what EXACTLY you want. It has to have no shadows, be completely symetrical and show like all the intricate stiching and seams. We had to look at magazine pictures and make 3 flats for them. it was fun and i think they came out good. Then they showed us (even though i already kinda knew how) to draw like more of an illistration drawing. For homework we have to pick a full outfit (i am gonna do that pink and white halter dress i made that i wore at my pool party... mainly because it is easier) and draw a flats of the front and back views and a illistration of the actual dress on a model that is colored. I a excited to do it. All the fashion girls on my floor have similar asignments too (because all the teachers basically have the same rubric) so we are all gonna do it together and have a HW party!! I really don't know how long it will take and it is 7 and i really want to go to bed at least at 11 so i should get going... hopefully i will have a voice when i wake up!! thanks for reading me ramble!! And like the Girls Scouts say " Meet new friends, but keep the old, one is silver and the others gold, a circles round, it has no end, thats how long i want to be your friend!!" Okay that is so corny but REALLY true! I am having fun but i ALWAYS appretiate calls and emails from my pals back home... you guys are Gold baby!!-<3


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!

9:30 AM  

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