Happy Birthday David and Grandma!!!
Helloo everyone :) well the week is just beginning. Its October 16th and as you can tell by my title its two special birthdays!! So happy birthday David and Grandma!! hope they are awesome! (i already wished David happy birthday at least 3 times today haha one more wont hurt) well yesterday i just had 2D in the afternoon and a critique of my project (which i will post later) it went really well, everyone liked it... one of the only critisisms was that it came in 3s if you can see what i meen (look at the hearts) i didnt even notice it to they mentioned it. but everything else was good. today was my crazy tuesday. i had 3D in the morning... it was the first day that my teacher came back... i might have mentioned it before but we had a substitute for 2 weeks because he was off some where in asia or europe or africa (i really have no clue where... just not america haha) doing some crazy sculpture thing.... heres his website if you wanna read about him and see his work.... i think its kinda cool http://www.charlesgoldmanwork.com/home.html Alot of my teachers have websites actually if you want to check them out... their work is really neat... heres my 2D teachers--http://www.paulcorio.com/ and my Drawing teachers http://www.karelynsiegler.com/Karelynsiegler/Index.html My Lab teachers Joel-http://www.srtarchitects.com/profile.html Ina--http://www.papotage.com/may03/ina_mov.html i think those are my only teachers who have stuff online... i think its really cool to look at if you have the time/ are bored you can check them out. i love that they are all working artists... its great they all are totally different its really cool to see. but anyway back to 3D... he really loves the project im doing i actually finished it today but he said he really liked it alot and i have to work on the other half today possibly. i might have mentioned it before but we are doing these reproductions of this class sculpture we made with random objects but we are making it half size and only in wire. its intense. we all have our own section of our big sculpture and we are gonna try and put them all together in the end on friday which will be fun we also have to a second wire object due friday which im gonna start tonight of a personal object we brought from home which is gonna be double size.... its kinda like the random objects are half because the are meaningless but this is double because it had meaning which i think is really cool. I dont know how many of you know what im talking about but im doing this rock i brought from home... actually its like a giant slab of mika which i have had since i can remember... i think i found it or someone gave it to me but i vaguly remember bringing to to show and tell sometime in elemetery school and everyone being really impressed haha. but some how i still have it and i really like it and i brought it here haha so thats wat im gonna do.... i will show pictures of everything maybe on friday or thursday because i have to make an illistration board of everything for friday too to show my thought process and what not so i have to take lots of pictures for that anyway. Art History was ok... we are kinda in the boring part of history right now but i drink enough tea and sugar free redbull to stay awake haha even when she turns the lights off. shes funny and everything and i like her alot but early christian art is really boring... theres not much anyone can do... she gave us a big paper tho which is due sometime in november where we have to visit the Met and pick 3 works from three sections we studied and write a page on each and then write a page comparing it she wants us to go there for 3 hrs. I have to go to the met for drawing too but for 6 hours so basically im gonna live there before thanksgiving break! Drawing is getting really hard.. im struggling a little but she is helping and im defenetly improving. we are working on drawing the face and its hard to get rid of my old bad habbits. but everythings good. i gotta get working on my 3D wire project.
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