I Miss Sarah!!!

This blog was created so everyone can keep in contact with me while I have fun without all of you! Come and see what I am doing and leave me messages!! YAY! You can also email me at FashionOutcast@hotmail.com or IM me at FashionOutcast <3 <3

Monday, July 17, 2006

Class again

So.... i had class again today. I had a CAD (computer assisted Design) demonstration during the 1st half and i had Fashion Drawing with pastels for the second. CAD was a bit boring because it is basically what i did last year in FIT using photoshop. only this time it was like 10xs easier. I finished making my textile prints (which is what we had to design) with like 2 hrs left. I helped some girls out and i talked to the TA and the Teacher for the rest of the class. they are both really nice. The teachers are doing this thing where they switch classes so we can all have a little pinch of their expertise. This teacher is pregnat and a real sweetheart. i talked to her about the school i am looking at and she told me about how much she loves NY and about by trip to block island and everything. Then i talked to the TA who is a fashion design major from Mass and she was telling me all about the cool places around campus to visit, the good resturants, all about freshman year at RISD and all the best resedencial halls. It was fun... she told me to look her up if i went to RISD (she would be a senior). After lunch with Zoey, I went to a blaring hot room to draw fashion sketches with pastels (not good for my eyes may i tell you). We had a live (clothed) model who did fashion model poses and we had to draw the way her body was placed aswell as the clothes she was wearing. i was dieing of heat by the end of class but it was really helpful stuff. Now i am just going to try and finish up some work and stay cool. Mom had informed me i have like 1 dolor left on my Master Card so i am not able to spend any money until she can get more on it. Karissa just got a giant package filled to the brim with candy. i am so jelious!! she better share! Tommorow we have a big fashion critique and a field trip to a Mill or something like that... i don't really know all the detals but it might be fun. talk to you soon


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.

9:30 AM  

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