I Miss Sarah!!!

This blog was created so everyone can keep in contact with me while I have fun without all of you! Come and see what I am doing and leave me messages!! YAY! You can also email me at FashionOutcast@hotmail.com or IM me at FashionOutcast <3 <3

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Quick Detour

So... yeah... a lot has chaned since my last post. Um im not at RISD this weekend .. im in Westerly RI at my Aunt Kirsten and Uncles Michael's house. You see... i said the other day that they were gonna maybe stop by the dorm because they were in the area... so they did and they told me that Saturday (today) was my grandparents 45th Aniversary and everyone was going sailing and having lobster and stuff. So... after a kinda mean run in with the Public Saftey guy and my RA Jen they actually let me go for the weekend! They aren't supose to because you need to have like either a parent take you out or have written consent from your parent like the thursday before the weekend you leave. but they called my mom and we got away with it. Yesterday night was nice... we drove back (my cousin Victoria is in FL with her Dad so it was just me) and i went and got set up on the couch downstairs in their new fixed up basement... it is alot more comfy/cold there than in my dorm.. plus there is a big TV with an actual CLICKER and HBO!! that my friend is luxury for a dorm girl like me! After watching a bunch of Sex in the City re-runs i went to bed. Mom called unfortunatley and woke me up at 9 the next day by calling my cell. Aunt Kirsten thought it would be fun not to tell anyone that they brought me back and because it was such a last min thing no one had a clue so it was going to be a suprise. Aunt Susan called that morning and Aunt Kirsten said she didn't get a chance to see me because i was with Nana and Papa. So no one had a clue. me, Aunt Kirsten and Uncle Michael got crepes at this cute local place and then went to the Yacht Club to suprise everyone. I stayed in the car and they went out to the pool where Grandma, Aunt Susan, and my cousins Cody and Joe were. Kirsten said that she didnt know what to get Grandma and Grandpa for their anniversary( i was the present i guess) and then she secretly called me on my cell so i could sneak up on everyone. They had no clue. They were all freaking out... it was funny. I played in the pool with Cody and Joe and lounged by the pool a bit reading my required reading, sipping virgin strawberry daquaris and getting tan/burnt ( i have a bit of an obvious sunglass tan from my new pair!)After we had lunch at the club we went for a bit of Sailing on Uncle Mikes boat and then we swam some more at the pool. After we went back home to change we all went to Aunt Sue and Uncle Mikes house for Lobster which was tasty and then after we went to some firework thing with the boys that was hosted by one of the Casinos. It was cued to music from the radio and stuff too. After that we went back home... i watched Garden State on HBO on Demand and then here i am. Tommorow ... or well technically today ( i am still on RISD sleeping patterns) We are gonna sleep in and then me and Kirsten (and possibly Grandma) are going to meet my mom for lunch probally somewhere in providence place (the mall) and then drop me back at school. It is so sad... i am like Dorm-sick... can that happen?? I miss my girls so much! It was crazy when i left... it was like an hr before cerfew so i didn't get to say goodbye to alot of people... actually alot of people didn't know i even left!! But it was sad leaving... even though it was just for a weekend. It has only been two weeks too!! imagine when i have to leave for good?? i can't even think about it. well i should get some sleep. good night... or well good morning!


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