1 more day to go!
So today is my last day to relax before classes start tommorow!! its kinda scary in a way but im excited. we were talking last night and we were all like "how long have we been here?" it just feels like forever!! but juggling all these classes are gonna be a whole new ball game! if you saw my schedule (posted below somewhere) you reaize how crazy even my first day is gonna be!! Tuesdays are gonna be the worst!! the true test i guess.
well after laundry yesterday (the clothes werent that pink... its not as bad as i thought haha) I made dinner. it has the first time i actually cooked (like stove and everything) it was one of these frozen stir fry meals and it was like wayy good too. the ancient gas stoves a little scary but i got the hang of it. the like high med low marks on the burner controls kinda rubbed off so i have to guess...lol but after dinner sean got back and we hit tasti and started our Sex and the City marathon (we r determened to finish the whole series) but Sierra called an came down to the room and we had a Pajama Dance party! it was fun we just danced and took pictures and talked all night....haha here are a couple pictures

im just chillin today and getting organized for tommorow!!! talk to you all later
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