I Miss Sarah!!!

This blog was created so everyone can keep in contact with me while I have fun without all of you! Come and see what I am doing and leave me messages!! YAY! You can also email me at FashionOutcast@hotmail.com or IM me at FashionOutcast <3 <3

Monday, July 24, 2006

Weekend away

Wow... what a weekend. Sorry i couldn't post all weekend but the internet at home is down so i had to wait till i got back to school. Well... here is the low down... Friday i had Art History.... pretty uneventful... the class had a giant argument about whether this dudes picture of an upsidedown urinal was art. Right after class Ally and Jon were there.... we parked her car and went to my dorm... i showed them around and introduced them to people then we went for some lunch at the Caf. Afterwards we drove Zoey to the bus station (she went to the Vinyard with her family for the weekend) and then brought all my junk to the car. Then we drove to visit Jon's best friend Max who lives like 10 mins away from providence. after like a half hour there we left for home... let me tell you!! The TRAFFIC!!! Bumper to bumper... it was a nightmare... after like a few hours we went out for dinner at wendys and skipped some of the mess. we had fun on the road catching up and singing to the radio. When we got home at like 8:30 or something i sat around and watched some good ol' TV with the Fam (i got my beloved TiVO clicker back!!) then at like 9:30 Lisa V called (Other Lisa is in Australia!!) and i drove (like 1 min away down the road) to her house and we chilled on her bed and played with her cats (RIP Kitty) and talked about our summers so far. She and my other friend Rachel were at Theater Camp for the past 2 weeks and their final preformance was Saturday so i told her me and Ally would go.
The next day i tryed to get a bit organized ... i made an impossible list of the work due this week and decided to try and get some of it done. Ally called early and because she doesn't have working internet at her house either we desided to go to Leach Library (the londonderry library) but when we get there it turns out it isn't open on weekends in the summer... actually it turns out that practically EVERY LIBRARY IN THE STATE OF NH IS NOT OPEN ON WEEKENDS IN THE SUMMER!! It drove us crazy!! we 411ed almost every library within a 30 mile radius but not a one was open!! I really wanted to get some of my Art History paper done... but oh well... i have procrastinated this far i might as well go another week .. eh?? After we gave up our search we went to my house and Ally went through all of her RIT (Rochester Institute of Technology.... the school Ally is attending in the Fall for Photo-Advertizing) papers and i did some of my Barbie project. After a bit i got pissed at her because she was distracting me and talking about leaving me and going to Rochester so i made her leave so i could get work done and she could pick me up at 12:30 for Lisa and Rachels play. Well it turns out that once we got on the road to drive to the impossible to get there Play House in down town Manchester that it takes like a half and hour to get there .... and it was like 12:40 when we like actually left my house. So using Allys knack for the crazy back roads we got there in like 15 mins. I was totaly dressed like a scrub though becasuse i had like no clothes clean (I was wearing pink adidas nylon pants with holes in the knees from sliding during dodge ball in gymclass sophmore year and a ratty old Brown sweatshirt from Aunt Karen's days!... just to get the picture in your head!) but we got balcony seats and it was a pretty laided back play so it was no biggie. It was really cute though.... they used all Disney characters and songs and like 4 groups of kids (from like a bunch of age groups mixed together... a lot of cute little ones!) preformed showcases that the older kids wrote and then everyone sang in group songs in between showcases. They actually sang one from High School Musical which i think all of my female cousins (minus baby Sophie) would appreciate!! Rachel and Lisa did really good and it was alot of fun watching them!! Afterwards Me, Ally, Rach, Jon, Lisa, Alex (her boyfriend), Alex's friend and a bunch of crazy drama kids went to a cast party ( i guess a lot of non- cast was included!!) at Uno's. We had alot of fun and the pizza was good. Drama kids are funny... they just LOVE breaking out in song in the middle of lunch!! After lunch Lisa, Rachel, Jon, and Ally came to my house to help me start making my PaperRama dress. Lisa is about the same size as Zoey ( Lisa has bigger boobs though!!! something she should be proud of!) so i used her to try and fit the dress. they helped me make the paper chains and i sewed a bunch of my paper towels together and we all had fun dying them!! then i made Lisa (what a wonderful and obedient helper!) dry the paper towels with my moms hair dryer. She came up with a system!! while she was drying it i made my clutch purse (which Jon joyfully contributed to by making a really cute paper flower to put on it) and i sewed the top piece together. After the paper towels were dryed i atached them to the top part and that is about where i am now. I am having second thoughts on my paper chains (Sorry Lisa and Rach for slaving over them) but i might try and incorporate them somehow. After Lisa went home me and Ally and Jon went to the Movies and saw half of Superman (Ally had to be home at 12... a waste of 750 i must say!!)
Then today i woke up early and my eyes were KILLING ME!! I put some drops and ointment in them and then packed up my stuff and we all went out to breakfast as a family (minus David... Basketball forbids him to do anything but basketball!) Then i called Steph and we went to Moo's (the local Ice Cream place... cute name huh?) we hung out and talked about colleges and then i went home. by then my eyes were BURNING!! Me Mom and Adam (he is going to spend the week at grandmas and will be fed neverending French Toast for all meals i will assume!!) Left Londonderry at 3 and got to the bus station where we were giving Adam to Grandma and Grandpa right on time. Mom felt bad about not having Karissa and Abby come over for the weekend so she invited them for lunch. Karissa had too much work but Abby came and we had lots of fun. We went to Joe's in the mall for burgers. Then mom dropped me off and i showed off my dress (PS Jon... everyone loved your flower!!). Then i got a bunch of my barbie stuff done and me and Abbs had a Cram session for our Fashion Final tommorow (yes i have tests.... this is not summer camp!). but now it is 1 20 and my eyes are burning and i am about to colapse so adios!!


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