I Miss Sarah!!!

This blog was created so everyone can keep in contact with me while I have fun without all of you! Come and see what I am doing and leave me messages!! YAY! You can also email me at FashionOutcast@hotmail.com or IM me at FashionOutcast <3 <3

Sunday, August 26, 2007

New People

Last night was sooo much fun! first as i will repeat i was a little homesick for like one sad lonely hour yesterday afternoon. Sean wasn't in my room and my suite mate who i usually walk down to these orentation things with wasnt there either. Well i was on Facebook and i remembered this girl named Annie i was friends with from the summer i spent in NYC going to FIT. I really liked her then and we had exchanged adresses after the program so we could be pen pals (it was corney but we were way into it at the time) but once i got home i lost her address and somehow forgot her name (she was/still is obsessed with the white stripes and i always thought she kinda looked like Meg White so like in my mind i always thought of her as Meg and that happened to be the only name i remembered!) soo fastforward 2 years after i was accepeted to New School and i was looking though all the incoming freshmans pictures and i saw her and i saw her name and it just clicked and i sent her a message and she sent me one back saying she had an apt on the lower east side and that we should hang out once i got to the city. well yesterday i sent her a message needing a break from all the school sponsered night time events (wayyy boring stuff) and asked her if we could hang out some night if she was free. well after i sent the message a walked (alone) to my next orentations (Cybersaftey and City Smarts.... fun!) and on my way their i was informed via my cell phone and facebook mobile that Annie had wrote back saying that she and her roommates were actually having some friends over that night and said we should go check out their place. i was way excited to finally get out of the dorm that when i got to my meeting i just started socializing with random kids who were also waiting for the orentation to start and i ended up sitting with a group of girls and this girl Ronnie from chicago who was way nicce and we exchanged numbers. later when i went to my room and talked to annie online she was all like you can bring your roommate or anyone if you want (i texted sean the second i got her message telling her we were going out tonight!) but i randomly decided to invite ronnie too... i am not one to call people i just met or to set up social situations like this but i just felt like it so i did and we went to annies apt together and Ronnie and Sean (who didnt know eachother) seemed to hit it off which was awesome! We got to the apartment and i basically fell in love! it was the most amazing apartment ever! it had 2 floors 3 bedrooms and an amazing balcony patio with an amazing view of the newyork skyline (the empire state building was there and like soo close!! and all lit up!) the walls (which i later found out the apartment was designed with help from annies dad an interior designer) were painted these really awesome pop art colors and the accesories and furniture were gorgeous. Another plus is that the adorable boy from little miss sunshine lives a couple doors down! well we just sat on the balcony all night drinking coffee and talking about stuff. Annies roomates are awesome and annie was cooler then i remembered and we all had fun! sooo that was it. today i think me and sean might hit the gym and get some stuff for the room. its crazy fun here! i wish everyone could share it all with me !!! <3


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