I Miss Sarah!!!

This blog was created so everyone can keep in contact with me while I have fun without all of you! Come and see what I am doing and leave me messages!! YAY! You can also email me at FashionOutcast@hotmail.com or IM me at FashionOutcast <3 <3

Saturday, May 27, 2006


Guess what!??!!? FNX... the best radio station ever (92.1 Maine, Boston and NH) has no commercials until the 4th of July!!! My dreams are being answered... THERE REALLY IS A GOD!!! Click on their link on my side bar to listen to their live stream and celebrate with me!!

Thursday, May 25, 2006


Yearbooks are out!! This is a sign that summer is coming soon! If you are visiting my blog because I wrote the site in your yearbook, welcome! Sorry I really don't have much on it yet but I suggest that you bookmark it and check it out later in the summer when it is filled with lots of cool stuff! In the meantime you can look at my new picture bars or listen to my killer playlist (thatI am still working on). Have fun and leave comments!! <3>

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Picture link

This is where all me pictures are and will be this summer!!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

The road to...

I know I am not supose to be blogging on this site yet but I am trying to make it PERFECT for this summer and for the select few who know the URL already (ummm.... Lisa... my first comment!!!) Here is a list of some of the stuff I am doing... plus some of the road blocks for the actual event of going to RISD.

** I am trying to work with Webjay (an online sharing playlist site... kinda cool... kinda annoying) to get an awsome playlist for my new site player!!! the problem with the site is that some of it's stuff doesn't work with my player so if you see a name on the playlist and it doesn't play I am truly sorry and am trying to fix it. If you have a song or something you really want on it for some reason just go to webjay and see if they have it and either leave a comment here or email me it's name and if it works i would be happy to add it!

**Ally promised to help me find a totaly cool layout so it will scream SARAH!!! AHHH!

** I got this cool Sketch Planet Bar... as you can see. It is this fun online sketch thing that you can use. My bar is the last 5 made on the site. if you click the bar and sign up your sketch can be on my site (and other peoples). its a fun way to pass the time!!

**My mom let me get a new Digital Camera with her extra credit card points so I promise LOTS of pictures this summer... so everyone better check it out!! I am also spending a LOT of time trying to get ALL of my pictures onto Photobucket.com and when i say all i mean from 2003 up plus a few from before!! So when i finish loading them and post the URL for that you can check out all my old pictures and my new ones there! it is easier because it doesn't take up too much memory on my blog so it will be easy to share lots of pics AND write lots of stuff too without having it take HRs to load! plus if something ever happens to my computer or the CDs i have all my Pics on then i won't be screwed over because they are all online!! YAY!!

** I am constantly searching the internet for cool new stuff to add!!

Bad Stuff....
*** Really bad flooding has caused No School in May!!!! which equals BAD NEWS!! This means i am gonna have to rearange my finals so i can make it to RISD on Sat on time!!! AHHH.

Updates on that and all above stuff coming soon!! Love ya!

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Welcome Friends

This is my new blog, created with my friends and family in mind!! As you all should know I am leaving the day after my last final (Saturday June, 24) for six fabulous weeks in Providince RI at RISD!! Sure I am gonna be working my butt off and having a lot of fun but 6 weeks is a really long time!! Sure I did the 3 week NYC thing last year but 6 weeks is twice as long and I am gonna get twice as homesick!! I wanted to create an easy way for my family and friends to say hi and see what I am doing with out racking up my cell phone minutes, so I made this beauty. I am going to try to post regularly and maybe put pictures up and stuff so I don't have to lose contact with everyone while I am gone! You guys can post comments here and email me at my new email address (that I will actually check!!) fashionoutcast@hotmail.com !!! This way I can combine my NH life with my soon to be RI life and you guys can see pictures of all my new friends and the campus and all that fun stuff!! I know it is... like May and there are still 35 days left of school but I wanted to get a head start before things turn into a packing frenzy. You know me.... I am gonna have to bring my whole wardrobe!!