I Miss Sarah!!!

This blog was created so everyone can keep in contact with me while I have fun without all of you! Come and see what I am doing and leave me messages!! YAY! You can also email me at FashionOutcast@hotmail.com or IM me at FashionOutcast <3 <3

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Good grades make me happy!! :)

HIYA!! soo everything is cool over here. Ally came and visited me this weekend and it was alot of fun... i missed her alot! she had to come down for a photo expo and i got to go along... it was really cool. she brought some of her friends too and we all had alot of fun. but as far as classes go im doing awesome. because of mid semester reviews i keep on getting lots of grades back. well 3D on friday i had a crit for my wire projects and he asked if he could keep mine and maybe put it in the display case which is way cool. Monday i had 2D and not only did he love the painting i did during the crit (i will show pictures later... he collected them so i dont have it to take a picture of yet) but i got my review and its like above average, average and below average and i was above average for everything he checked off and he said i was having a solid semester and that my coments in crits were always on mark. i thought that was cool. i got some grades back in 3D today, one for a paper i wrote and another for my first project (the lamp made out of recycled materials) I got a B+ on the project which is really good because i didnt think i did that good on it and he said it was excelent which is good and on my paper he said it was great and it was very well written. i also got my review for Art History and i got a check/ check plus and she said i was a very good student. im still waiting on my other classes... i think i get reading and writing tommorow! its great hearing how im doing its kinda hard to judge when you rarely get grade only coments. i gotta do some work but i will let you guys know!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Some pictures!

Hello Hello! Everythings great here. I had critical reading and writing this morining and i got an A- on my first big paper which i am really proud of... i guess alot of the other kids are really struggling and having to visit the writing center and get help. but A- on a college paper!! Sorry im just happy! haha i had 2d this afternoon too we were in the computer lab and i finished an ilistrator study i was doing that i have to turn into a painting for monday. i also finished my wire sculpture this afternoon which i have pictures of... i really like it! it came out cool. i have lab tommorow which is basically becoming one of my favorite classes now. we were gonna watch The Inconvenient Truth but i guess were just gonna talk about our next project with our groups i meen i really wanted to see the movie but i love my group so i dont care that much. were gonna make a video next im so excited!! well here are some pictures of my 2D project that i mentioned yesterday and my 3d projects too

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Happy Birthday David and Grandma!!!

Helloo everyone :) well the week is just beginning. Its October 16th and as you can tell by my title its two special birthdays!! So happy birthday David and Grandma!! hope they are awesome! (i already wished David happy birthday at least 3 times today haha one more wont hurt) well yesterday i just had 2D in the afternoon and a critique of my project (which i will post later) it went really well, everyone liked it... one of the only critisisms was that it came in 3s if you can see what i meen (look at the hearts) i didnt even notice it to they mentioned it. but everything else was good. today was my crazy tuesday. i had 3D in the morning... it was the first day that my teacher came back... i might have mentioned it before but we had a substitute for 2 weeks because he was off some where in asia or europe or africa (i really have no clue where... just not america haha) doing some crazy sculpture thing.... heres his website if you wanna read about him and see his work.... i think its kinda cool http://www.charlesgoldmanwork.com/home.html Alot of my teachers have websites actually if you want to check them out... their work is really neat... heres my 2D teachers--http://www.paulcorio.com/ and my Drawing teachers http://www.karelynsiegler.com/Karelynsiegler/Index.html My Lab teachers Joel-http://www.srtarchitects.com/profile.html Ina--http://www.papotage.com/may03/ina_mov.html i think those are my only teachers who have stuff online... i think its really cool to look at if you have the time/ are bored you can check them out. i love that they are all working artists... its great they all are totally different its really cool to see. but anyway back to 3D... he really loves the project im doing i actually finished it today but he said he really liked it alot and i have to work on the other half today possibly. i might have mentioned it before but we are doing these reproductions of this class sculpture we made with random objects but we are making it half size and only in wire. its intense. we all have our own section of our big sculpture and we are gonna try and put them all together in the end on friday which will be fun we also have to a second wire object due friday which im gonna start tonight of a personal object we brought from home which is gonna be double size.... its kinda like the random objects are half because the are meaningless but this is double because it had meaning which i think is really cool. I dont know how many of you know what im talking about but im doing this rock i brought from home... actually its like a giant slab of mika which i have had since i can remember... i think i found it or someone gave it to me but i vaguly remember bringing to to show and tell sometime in elemetery school and everyone being really impressed haha. but some how i still have it and i really like it and i brought it here haha so thats wat im gonna do.... i will show pictures of everything maybe on friday or thursday because i have to make an illistration board of everything for friday too to show my thought process and what not so i have to take lots of pictures for that anyway. Art History was ok... we are kinda in the boring part of history right now but i drink enough tea and sugar free redbull to stay awake haha even when she turns the lights off. shes funny and everything and i like her alot but early christian art is really boring... theres not much anyone can do... she gave us a big paper tho which is due sometime in november where we have to visit the Met and pick 3 works from three sections we studied and write a page on each and then write a page comparing it she wants us to go there for 3 hrs. I have to go to the met for drawing too but for 6 hours so basically im gonna live there before thanksgiving break! Drawing is getting really hard.. im struggling a little but she is helping and im defenetly improving. we are working on drawing the face and its hard to get rid of my old bad habbits. but everythings good. i gotta get working on my 3D wire project.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Sarah Braves Brooklyn

Hello Hello! Just saying hi! this weekend has been fun so far. Sean left yesterday to go home for the weekend so i got the room to my self which was relaxing. yesterday me and Sierra went to this really cool vintage store in Williamsburg Brooklyn called Beacons Closet and i have to say that I actually like Brooklyn! there is something abut it! when i visited pratt last year i didn't like it that much but willamsburg is so cool and trendy and low key. much quiter then manhattan... totaly different but more lively then queens. all the stores are so cute and the streets are so more personal. theres not that much traffic so you dont have to wait for lights that much. everyone seemed nice and enjoying their self and no one was really rushing or seeming stressed out like they are sometimes in manhattan. but the store it self was really cool.Im gonna go back later when sean gets back and maybe get my halloween costume there... theres alot of cool 70s and 80s outfits and stuff i could manipulate to a cool costume but i gotta think of what i want to be! Later me and sierra walked around and i tried this thing called Bubble Tea... it is the grossest thing i have ever had in my life! its this thing Sean said they had in savannah and my friend steph said she tried it there too but we found it in NY so they had got it one day and told me to try it. it is like tea but it has these black tapioca bubbles in it .... they are like these chewy gelitin things that are flavorlous but the texture of them freek me out. lets just say i couldnt finish it! Today seans coming back later but i have lots of work to do to get done before so im gonna start on that. hope everyone is having a good weekend!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Good News

I dont have that much to say but during the second half of lab my teachers asked if they could keep our project and put it in the display case! which i thought was pretty exciting. i am really starting to love this class... its all about the enviorment and new york city and being really creative and working in groups. i have the best group ever and we are basically doing group work with the same group for the rest of the year! its really awesome i never have been the biggest fan of group work but we all get along soo well and we feed ideas off of each other and we all have the same taste its great. and now another person is joining our group, Gabrella from Colombia... she didn't get along with her group and shes in our section and we all get along amazing its gonna be awesome... its great... when your working with your friends on an art project it is wayy more fun and not like homework at all. i love it! it is way different then when you like do a group project for any other kind of class. i cant wait to do more.

Lab Project

Heyy i dont have that long because im on my lunch break for lab but i just wanted to say a little bit. last night we worked on our project which i really love. we printed our pictures on vellum and got everything all nice then randomly we decided that we were gonna go down back to the Lower East Side and do some sound work with Shawn's friends little kid microphone haha we also had bought this twine at k-mart that we wanted to hang our pictures up with but we decided it would be cool if we got it a little dirty so it wasnt too pristine so i basically draged the string through the streets... it was so fun and people didnt even notice that these crazy art school kids were draging twine and recording things from a little kid tape recorder :) but we got the "essence" on NYC on our string and it was alot of fun. we actually just did our presentation in the first half of class and our teachers really liked it. here are some pictures of the project and our tape recorder haha.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Sean's Birthday

I just wanna say that Seans Birthday was alot of fun me and Sierra went all out when she was out to dinner with her mom and stepdad. we made a cake and 20 cupcakes. we use food coloring to make the cake and all the frosting into funky colors. the problem was that she said shed be back at 9 and at 8 she texted us and said she was heading home so we freaked out cuz we weren't ready yet and made her wait out side for a little bit but i felt bad because she was outside alone and it was her birthday so i told her to close her eyes and we basically locked her in the room for 45 mins haha. but we frosted everything and got a bunch of people to come and sing (if you tell any one that we will give u a cupcake if you come and sing happy birthday to someone they will do it!) but we had candles and we turned the lights off and i led her out.. it was cute... she obviously knew we were doing something but she didn't know that we were this crazy haha and that there were like 12 kids there :) but she blew out the candles and it was cute... here are some pictures of me and sierra making the cake and cupcakes and sean blowing out the candles, some kids who came and me sean sierra and andrea

After all the cake and fun ( a bunch of other people came by and got cake too) we randomly decided to go out and see Across the Universe. I have to say that it was a really awesome movie. If you like musicals or really if you just like the Beatles you will love it... it was really cool and part of it was set in the village so i thought that was pretty cool too. well i have to go uptown this morning, im meeting my friend Shawn and 915 to take the train to the Cooper Hewitt for my Critical Reading and Writing class and after class today we might go and crash the gossip girl set and see if we can get on TV/ meet anyone famous :) hahah only in new york

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Canceled Class!! yay

My Art history class got canceled today because my teacher is sick! i know i shouldn't be this excited but none of us actually wanted to go to class today and our dreams came true :) there was actually cheering when we found out haha. but now i have time to write yayay

I had 2D yesterday after my LES excursion i really like the project we are doing. its of sillouettes that we made in illistator and we have to make a sequence like this one we made in class from black to white. its kinda complicated but way fun. heres my project and the the class mural we made that we are kind of basing it all on how it goes from black to white.

while im at it adding all of these pictures here is my first 2D project... the assignment is kinda confusing and hard to explain but the final products came out kinda cool and my teacher really liked them!

His favorite was the one with all the small shapes. 2D is a cool class because half of it is using the computer and Adobe Illistrator and the other half is using traditional matereals and methods. this project we switched it around and colored things in and scanned them and used both evenly. i really like the class and i am getting pretty got at illistrator which i know will come in handy later!

Yesterday night was fun. we bought paper and used our printer for the first time so i could print out my paper (for art history which i didnt really need)... it works pretty good which is exciting because before we had to walk over 5 blocks just to print something but now it is the comfort of our home! we watched a couple movies while we did work (in her shoes and borat) and then randomly pretty late at night we made one of the muffin mixes Grandma gave me when she came in our new muffin tin. we thought sean should have birthday muffins for the morning! its crazy that she is twenty years old! that seems so far away to me but really its less than two years! AHHH we tease her and tell her its half way to 40 haha. scary. she is going out to dinner and shopping with her mom and me sierra and our friend Andrea from Canada are gonna make her suprise birthday cupcakes or a cake or something. she is not coming back to really late so we can make it really fun and complicted!

This morning i had 3D we have a substitute because our normal teacher is away in some forign country i have never heard of doing some big sculpture project. we have been working on our wire sculpture (i will show you when im finished) and watching alot of movies and documentarys that have alot to do with what we are doing while we work. we watched the movie Dogville with Nicole Kidman. i really have no clue how that movie relate to what we are doing. it was kinda strange if you have ever seen it... intresting but strange. and today we watched a really cool video about chain reactions here is a link to part of the video (it is really long like a half an hour but this is only like a 5 min clip)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U82eWptFxSs i thought it was really cool :)

ohh i was playing around with my new printer scanner copy combo (haha that sounds so hi-tech) and i scanned this picture that i had on my wall. it is like my favorite... its priceless really. i love it. there are no words

Adam, David, and Victoria at burlingame and sadly they are all still the same haha :) i love it

well i think i out did myself this time... im gonna work on my Critical Reading and Writing paper for tommorow were going to the cooper hewitt tommorow uptown so that might be fun. i have drawing later too and im meeting with my Lab group after class to discuss what pictures we want to use!

Monday, October 08, 2007


here are the pictures i promised from this morning... i think they are really cool!

This is me writing more :)

Hi wow this is me writing two days in a row something that hasnt happened in a long while :) well last night we actually went to seans Dads apartment in SoHo it was beautiful!! soo big and nice. mike piazza and John Stewart live in the same building (sean has seen both of them many times) so i was on the lookout for them but i didnt see them :( oh well next time. but we got takeout and ate pie for seans birthday (which is tommorow... shes turning 20!! its intense!) but the food was good and seans sister who is davids age was there and we had fun and sang sean happy birthday! after we went back to the room and watched movies... it was a fun night. this morning i had to wake up a little earlier than usual and i met up with my group for a group project we are doing in my Lab Class. it is really fun. the group is me my friend Shawn from Chicago who is in all of my classes, Courteny from Colorado and Miles from Boston. Miles didn't come but me shawn and courteny walked around the Lower East Side and took Pictures for our project. i love it down there. we went and had tea at the singer Moby's tea place called teany (soo good i had coconut tea it was really good and i tried shawns vanilla chai too which was awesome) and we talked about our project. What we have to do is well we read PlaNYC (or plan 2030) which is the plan made by the NYC goverment to improve the city and make it more enviormentaly friendly. it is a really big plan and talks about all the boroughs and neighborhoods in the city. and they are basically making the public transportation better and faster and cleaner so there will be less street traffic and it will be better for the enviorment and they are improving the roads and making sure that for every so and so miles there is a park. and they expect all these improvments to be in affect by 2030. for our project we have to relate the plan to a certan neighborhood or area in the city (we picked the lower east side) and some how artisticaly in our groups show how the plan will affect the area. we decided to focus on the negitive aspect of the plan and how the area is going to be made nicer but the people who live there now are going to have to move out of the area they have always lived in because they aren't going to be able to afford the new trendy area and the housing as the rent goes up. we went and explored the Lower East Side and took lots of pictures. we took pictures of what we called old style and new style. Old Style is the beautiful old buildings, the grafiti murals, the cobble stone streets, the mom and pop deli's and the working people of the area, all of the culture and different nationalitys and languages in the area. New Style is the trendy cafes and starbucks, the hipster kids, the boutiques, the newly paved roads, the modern buildings, the up scale hair salons. what we want to do is print our pictures out (possibly in black and white) on vellum and punch holes in the corners and hang from fishing wire right in front of eachother the pictures going from old style to new style. we want you to be able to look at the pictures individual but also see through them and see what they look like as a whole. im actually really excited about the project and the class! its really fun and intresting. but we had soo much fun wandering around and taking pictures. i really love that area of ny. we also saw that they are filming our new favorite show Gossip Girl down there this wed. so me and sean might go down there after class and try to get on the show haha. but i walked about 8 miles around the Lower East Side and then Shawn and Courteney introduced me to one of my new favorite foods the Fallafel! it is so good and there is this place on St MArks right near me that got a bunch of awards and is like only 2.50 for one! its awesome. i am being so good lately and i have been trying alot of new foods. hummus, key lime pie, cold seseme noodles, falaffel and i think i might brave sushi again!! but i will go slow haha. it was just an awesome day one of those days where you are just like i cant believe i am in NYC i love New York!! its great. and the day is still young. i have class at 3 but i have to rush and get my laundry (which was way over due... it was pilling up under my bed!) from the drier and get to 2D class. then me and sean might test out the printer and get paper for tonight! and seans birthdays is tommorow so that will be lots of fun! i will post some of the LES pictures i took later for you to enjoy :) wow look how much i wrote!!

Sunday, October 07, 2007


HI everyone! This weekend was alot of fun! Mom and Grandma and Aunt Susan came up and we explored the city and went out to lunch with Sierra and Sean to Patsy's my favorite pizza place. we walked around the union square green market and they tried tasti and we sat in washington square park and we shopped a little. it was alot of fun! they brought me lots of goodies too! A printer, londonderry apples, cookies, granola bars, a muffin pan, chex mix!! im so excited hah thanks for everything!! mom actually stayed later then we though she was going to because Steven and Michelle were away at Nana and Papa's for the weekend so they said that we could use their apartment. It was great. after grandma and aunt susan went back on the train we rode uptown and had a nice dinner and watched a movie and had pinkberry (obviously!! haha) it was alot of fun. i slept really good without all the unruly dorm kids running around til 4 am and the crazy construction workers outside. its so wierd being uptown compared to downtown. it feels like another world! they are just so different but good in different ways. it felt good to be back in the dorms but it was sad to say good bye... i really didnt realize how much i missed home before mom came. but everythings good. it feels good to be at the dorms... its kinda like a second home :) i will probaly post more pictures later of some stuff i have been doing! sorry i dont write that much im gonna try to write more now! i miss everyone!!

Monday, October 01, 2007

Art Work!

Sooo i got my camera back so i thought i would show you all some more of my work!!

Most of the pictures are from drawing but there are a couple 2D things in there. alot of them are just excersizes but i think they are cool! hope you like them!