It has been a crazy couple of days!! I have had my Basic Design and Foundation Drawing and they are both very fun. I felt very comfortable because alot of the materials and techniques i have already used at LHS so it is really nice.... i am gonna have to thank Miss J (My LHS art teacher) for teaching me what sumi ink is before coming here! For basic design we drafted chairs. Drafting is like really technical drawings... everything is symetrical and perfectly measured. It isn't my cup of tea but it was kinda fun to learn. And to day in Drawing me and Zoey (the girl from New Mexico who lives in my dorm and is in all my classes!) were talking too much and got a little yelled at!! but she wasn't that mad. We were in the nature lab (a really cool 'library' filled with dried plants, real stuffed animals, dried bugs, real bones and they even have a a human fetus in a jar!!! it's purpose is so we have fun and intresting stuff to draw!) and i did an intense drawing of a turtle. it was really exausing. I am excited that i have most of tommorow off!!(ONLY 2HRS OF ART HISTORY...YAY!) Last night we all spray painted t-shirts with the RA's and me and Marissa made shirts with bow stencils (that i made) down the front. I wore it today... it is cute. Then after that we all watched Wedding Crashers on Karissa, my room mate laptop! It is funny because Tod... the gay son in the movie was going to go to RISD! We are getting a new girl in out dorm because another girl wants to be with her friend so that might be fun. Also my grandma and grandpa are taking me out to lunch tommorow at the mall and My dorm is going to have dinner at the Cheesecake factory so i am gonna east alot tommorow!! I think we are just chilling for the weekend. My roommate is visiting so family friends near by and a few people are going to the RISD farm (a lake place by a lake in RI that RISD owns). There was a rumor that Ally might visit me but i don't think thats happening! My Nana and Papa might visit on the 7th too!!
Thanks for all the note about the care packages guys!!! you know i would love anything from you all! If you end up sending anything... even just a pretty letter call me or email me because i need to know to check my mail at the mail room because they just don't tell you that you have mail... you gotta just know!
Ohhh... cool news. even though i am not that into the show as i used to be, i guess they are filming for the next season of the OC on the RISD campus!! I haven't seen anything... people have just told me these things. But i guess Seth (Adam Brody) is going to RISD on the show for his comic book stuff and Summer (Rachel Bilson) is going to Brown. Maybe i will get to see them!!! I might start watching the show again if RISD is on it!
Right now i am in RISD's really posh library. It is attached to the guys dorms which are WAY nicer then ours. The girls are making a big deal about it because girls are more high matinence i guess. They have elevators, airconditoning, private bathrooms and private kitchens.... all things we don't have!! Any way me and my friend Abby from baltimore and doing resesch for out Personal Mood boards for fashion class.... mine is on the greek isles!! you have to pay 1$ a color print!!! Well i have to go finish my board... talk to you all later