I Miss Sarah!!!

This blog was created so everyone can keep in contact with me while I have fun without all of you! Come and see what I am doing and leave me messages!! YAY! You can also email me at FashionOutcast@hotmail.com or IM me at FashionOutcast <3 <3

Friday, August 31, 2007

A Busy Morning

Oh god.. its only like 12:35 and im exausted. Last night, after my scary meeting about time management i fooled around with ICal (the calender program of my Mac Book) and i basically entered my whole schedule and figured out how to use it. after that i felt pretty organized. its a pretty useful program i think. it lets me write to-do lists and set reminders and what not. i woke up this morning and kind of regretted my H&M purchase from yesterday. it was a little to expensive and it didn't really work for what i needed it for so i walked back up 5th ave to return it, stopping in every store that might have a bag that im looking for and at my price range. 5th ave is amazing! i was only on the down town half which isnt as crazy as when you go up a bit but they still have nice stores that i cant afford there. i stopped into the Gap there which is way nicer than the one i work at back home (obviously... its NYC) but it made me miss work a little but i doubt i would have time to work there during the school year as much as i could have used the money. well after i returned the bag i basically went into a bunch of stores and cut through Union Square. They were having one of their weekly farmers markets there and for 3 bucks i bought a slice of sugar free pumkin bread (i was hungry and it was delicious) and about 6 fresh picked cortland apples (pretty good too... and i have high apple standards!) they had so much great produce and baked goods and jams and lots of great stuff... im defenetly gonna make this a weekly visit because those apples were better and cheaper than whole foods. there were also lots of artists lined up with great pictures and paintings and really unique screan printed tees. it was really cool. i went to Virgin Records, Forever21, and Filenes Basement for my bag purchace and had no luck then i went to stapels and got a cute padded messanger bag that is ment to hold a laptop in. its cute, cheep and more protective of my laptop so i like it alot! heres a picture of it!

I like it. sooo after that i went for a quick grocery run because i didnt think i would have much time to do so once school started. and after hitting whole foods i got some Tasti to keep in the fridge and then went back to the dorm for lunch. i think i might take a nap im so sleepy! or watch a movie or some tv or something. keep you posted :)

Thursday, August 30, 2007

All By Myself....

Today i slept in kinda late and went to the gym. after working out i had an orientation thing again that me and Grace showed up a little late too. It was basically just about how classes are gonna be really hard and we have to be really organized and work on our time management skills. After that me and Sean went for another Tasti Run (go to http://www.tastidlite.com/ for more Tasti Info... as requested by aunt kirsten) and walked around campus looking for where are classes are gonna be (didnt want to get lost on my first day after all they told us on how you should NEVER be late to class) next we went up a bit and signed up for the New York Public library so we could get free books/movies/cds and then we went to H&M and i got a bag to put my laptop in and lug from class to class. Well Sean just left with her dad to their summer home and shes not coming back till saturday afternoon so i am all by my lonesome for a bit. i am probally going to spend some time with Michelle, Steven, and Sofia plus i have some things to get done and what not. i have no more school events till school starts on Tuesday though so i will have to keep myself busy!

Heres a Picture of me and Sean i took a couple nights ago... i havent taken tones of pictures yet but i will post them when i do (including one of Jill and Grace)

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Class Descriptions/ My Schedule

Hello. well i was bored so i just drew out my whole schedule with pretty markers and pens for my wall but now im still bored so i think im gonna tell you guys descriptions of all my classes (partially because im really excited about them and half because when i say 2D i want you guys to know what im talking about! these are the hardcore school descriptions not my words by the way) and what my schedule actually is (so if you want to visit/know when its okay to call/god knows what else you know when i have class and when i dont) so here it goes... i hope its informative... ive been through so many orientation things this week i think you all need one too!! lol

--My Classes--

2D Integrated Studio 1 & 2

2D Integrated Studio provides an introduction to fundamental principals of visual expression and communication in both theoretical and applied forms. Students develop their ability to integrate physical, photographic and digital media and processes in the creation of images, objects and experiences. The course meets twice a week; one session in a computer lab and one session in a studio.

3D Studio 1 & 2

3D Studio introduces students to the basic principles, processes, and materials of three-dimensional form through a series of projects that encourage drawing, experimentation, and conceptual development in the articulation of three dimensional forms. Students explore form, space, and structure through the use of design elements such as line, shape, mass, volume, surface, scale, proportion, material and color.

Critical Reading and Writing

In this course, students learn to read texts closely to understand their inherent arguments and logic; to think more critically; systematically, and intelligently; and learn to write more effectively by developing greater agility both in the formulation of coherently structured arguments as well as in the use of basic mechanics of writing.

Drawing Studio 1 & 2

Drawing Studio emphasizes the perceptual and analytical methods of drawing that support broader art and design processes throughout the school.. The perceptual component develops eye, mind, and hand coordination through the objective observation of the human figure, still life, and space. The role of the analytical component is to develop an understanding of methods, concepts, and drawing systems, such as anatomical, orthographic, paraline, and perspective drawing.


Laboratory is a studio/seminar that immerses students in a study of contemporary art and design culture through readings & discussions, a studio component, and experience-based research. Students integrate conceptual, visual and tactile skills from their studio and Art & Design Studies courses in the development of projects that respond to their immediate urban environment, New York City. Laboratory broadly introduces art & design methodologies and is taught by faculty from all Parsons programs.

Perspectives in World Art/Design

The objective is to expose students to the breadth and diversity of the visual arts and design worldwide with a focus on cognitive analysis and methodological approaches.

--My Schedule--


3:00pm-5:40pm 2D Integrated Studio


9:00am-11:40am 3D Studio
12:00pm-2:40pm Perspectives in World Art & Design
3:00pm-5:40pm Drawing Studio 1


9:00am-11:40am Critical Reading & Writing
3:00pm-5:40am 2D Integrated Studio


9:00am-2:40pm Labratory


9:00am-11:40am 3D Studio 1
3:00pm-5:40pm Drawing Studio 1

so thats about it. as you can notice im gonna be crazy busy so i bet these posts wont be so long when im drowning in homework but i will try to incert quick blurbs and show pictures of my work and explain my assignments and what not aswell as anything else that is intresting. its just really slow at the moment so i have time for the crazy oversharing books that i have been writing daily...ha ha but seriously im really looking forward for everything to start and hopefully i will be able to work everything out!!! thanks for listening

Crazy Day

So today i had my meeting at 10:30. It was again very repetitive but i got to kinda be introduced to my future class mates even thought it was in a stupid say your name where your from and something you like kinda way. i met my advisor who will help me if i have problems with my classes and what not. she basically just answered our questions and explained boring stuff like attendence policy. after my meeting i met Nana and Papa at my dorm. i showed them around and then we went to this cute pizza place for lunch. after we drove uptown (with Papas new GPS!!) to Steven and Michelles apartment where we admired the new decorating and played with Sofia for a bit. then i tryed Pink Berry for the first time. it is kinda like frozen yogurt with lots of fruit on top. it was good but i am still very loyal to my beloved Tasti-D. we went to this cute park next (Brad Pitt was seen there quite recently with his kids according to Michelle.) and i played with Sofia on the swings, slide and sand box. she is the most adorable little thing in the world! next we walked back and chilled out in the apartment till Steven got home. Sofia took a nap and we watched HBO (way better then my cable in the dorm i will tell you that!!) on the bed. when Sofia woke up we played peak-a-boo and she was just so damn cute laughing her head off whenever she pulled the blanket of my head. im excited to see more of her now that we are in the city i think she is starting to remember who i am... i tryed to get her to say Sarah but all i got her to do was kinda sound out the letter S but we will work on it :)! when Steven got home we went out to dinner to their fav italian place Tonys down the road. I love it there! and i got all the left overs... enough for like 4 meals!!! and then sadly, dispite the fact that i was stuffed and had already had pinkberry today, when steven offered Tasti D-lite i could not say no. I am gonna just come out and say it... I am Addicted to Tasti-D! no litereally i have withdrawel if i dont have it everyday... i shake! Seans the same way... i have no clue what i will do once i have to go home to NH for the Summer/holidays.... i am considering bringing a cooler full home. But after i finished my small (i was better than usual... i meen 50 calories for a small is nothing!) Steven who shares my addiction gave me a bunch of his free Tasti punch cards so me and sean are set for a while. well im back at the dorm now. i have another (my last i believe) meeting tomorow and i will be suree to hit the gym after all the food i ate. hope all you londonderry kids have fun at school tommorow!! :)


yesterday wasn't much. we didnt do yoga because we are both still sore/ tired from some things or another (walking/working out/more walking) we just chilled out and watched more Sex and the City. i have my section meeting today at 10:30 which is basically when i meet the kids i am going to be having all my classes with so its kinda excited... i guess i get alot of information then too. after that im spending the day with Nana and Papa and then some time with Steven and Michelle and Sophie. it should be fun.... i will write again after my meeting if i have time. have a good day everyone!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Orientation Update

Soo im back from my orientation... fun stuff! a little boring and redundent but it got me really excited for my classes. they all sound really intresting and nothing like in highschool which i like. i know it will be hard but a good kinda hard i guess. I hung out with grace at orientation and she is way funny. i guess the reason she was distant with us a bit before is that because she is from Korea (well canada exactly but she spent the summer in korea i think and she is korean) they had these even things where all students who were going to college in new york from the area went to partys and clubs and get togethers to meet people so she kinda had a little clique thing to begin with but she introduced me to some of her friends and they all seem way cool so thats fun. me , sean and grace might take a beginners yoga class at Crunch today at 6 and i will tell you how that goes later haha. im excited to try it... i think that would be a great way to keep in shape and calm down during school because from what i heard at the orientation its gonna be a crazy year!

*** an update for Nana, Papa, Steven and Michelle about Tommorow >>> they just threw a mandatory meeting on me for tommorow that i didnt get to hear about until today... its at 10:30am tommorow so i think it would easy to work around but just letting you guys know! call if theres a problem :)

x0x0x <3

:P :P :P

hey everyone. its 8 ish in the morning and im wayyy sleepy but i have my foundation academic orientation at 930 so i got up early so me and grace (my suite mate who is also in foudation and is way nicer then everyones inital thoughts) can walk down. from what sean says its going to be really intense but im kinda excited to hear about all my classes and what we are doing. anyway um yesterday was way lowkey. after sean got back we hung out for a bit. we desided it might be fun to walk around the area and get the local resturant menus for when we crave cheap take-out. we found this wayyy cheap chinese place and our desires from last night increased so we desided to have a lazy night and not go out. we ordered take-out (okay food, large enough portions for three more meals each!! 18 bucks for both of us!!) and then we went back and watched The Hills on MTV (another one of our shared guilty pleasures) and then Sex in the CIty on DVD (sean has all the seasons!)

Today, after my orientation me and sean want to hit the gym maybe and then go sign up for the NY public library. one of them is really close to us and you can get free books,cds, and dvds so we thought it would be a good idea and its ofcourse free and saving money is a good thing!! im excited for tommorow because Nana and Papa are coming to visit and were spending the day with michelle, steven (who just got back from his business trip), and baby sophie :)! plus i have no more real orentation stuff after today!! um yay!

Monday, August 27, 2007

why i hate fire alarms

So turns out orentation stuff for me is acually tuesday not monday. it was confusing because seans a direct entry major and im not so we have some different programing. so im basically just chilling in the room all day... i watched a movie and listened to some music and i was about to take a short nap when Loeb Hall desided it would be a cool time to have a fire drill. well it wasnt like a high school drill where u have to leave ur room... we can stay but the noise is awful.... and it went on an short burst for at least 45 mins.... i just wanted to share my frustration :)

chillin out

good morning :) well yesterday was a little intense.... well not that much. i had stayed up really late the night before (or yesterday morning really) so yesterday because there were no mandatory orientation things to do that day (the scavengerhunt and icecream social seemed lame/high in fat and my bed seemed niccer haha) we just chilled in the room for a long time. it was nice... before i used to feel really anti social when i was locked up in my room but now probly because i have been meeting so many people with out even trying too hard i feel like im in my own chic little apt! lol well Sean's Dad and Step Mom (the ones who live in the city) came by to take her out to lunch and i got to meet them... they were nice. Hey little step sister came too... she is close to my cousin sophies age (1ish) it was funny how similar they were! i just chilled while sean went with them. when she came back she said that they told her that they were gonna have another baby which was exciting/frusterating for her. I really loved how Sean wanted to talk about how she was feeling about the big change to me. it seems like we can discuss anything together and i know if i ever have a problem or concern she will listen which i think is an awesome quality in a room mate. after we went to Crunch Gym for the first time!! OMG!!! it was intense. we used these machines with that are like a combo of a tredmill and an eliptical and it feels like walking in sand.... i guess it like burns twice as many calories as a regular tredmill which we liked! we also liked that they had little personal tvs on them so we could watch VH1 while we worked out!! after 20 intensly hard mins of that we kinda walked around and explored all the other machines. there were alot of fun ab ones that we tried and we did crunches and used the leg machines.... it was fun. by the time we left lets just say we could feel the burn!! ( i can feel it now too!!) we decided we should do a yoga class next. we kinda have this little joke between us how we are gonna take one yoga class and work our way to the top and become yoga masters and end up owning our own yoga studion and she will go the business stuff and i will design our own yoga outfit line... haha it was funny but we will see how our first class goes! after that we ate a light healthy dinner and desided to reward ourselves with our shared obsession... tasti-delite frozen yogurt. we went and both got two diff flavors (chocolate chip mint and dolce de leche) in the really big sizes so we could keep the extras in the fridge for next time!! we calculated that it would be much cheaper to get the 18 ounce then four 4 ounce ones (we also calculated the calories.... way low so we didnt feel guilty getting the big ones). we watched friends on our newly hooked up dvd player (which we plan to have sex in the city/friends marathons on!) i also got to use ichat for the second time with adam and the family. they just got a new mac and we talked and i helped them figure out how to use it! if anyone else has ichat we should def chat!! lol my AIM screen name is FashionOutcast so if im on when your on just invite me... i am on whenever im in my room and it is way more fun that the phone!! that night we desided to go dancing at this 18 + club basically just for college kids in the area. we went with these girls sean met once and they seemed nice. the walk was a little rediculous and we had all decided to get all cute and dressed up and our feet killed! by the time we got there the line was gigantic and people were leaving and saying it was lame so we decided that the line wouldnt be worth it if it sucked so the other girls desided to lead us all over the city trying to find this thing or another that they heard was cool which never ended up finding.... eventually we ended up in this random kids dorm at union square that they had met that morning but the kid didnt seem very keen on us barging in (the girls kinda desperatly invited themselves) and eventually me and sean convinced them that this was stupid and that we should leave. by the time we were back at loeb (my dorm) we had basically walked the whole village! the girls wanted to next go to every floor and introduce them selves to random people they saw and me and sean desided that we wern't as desperate as these kinda immature girls to meet people and we wernt having much fun so we went back to our room. we realized that after walking millions of miles (and the gym earlier) that our little healthy dinners wernt cutting it and we were starving and craving something bad for us so we went out side to find food. our original plan was chinese but it turns out most chinese places arnt open at one in the morning (we didnt really think it through) so after a lot more walking and searching we settled on cinnamon raisin bagels (with fat free creamchesee... we couldnt go too far!!) and some yogart covered pretzles. they deff hit the spot as we sat in our comfy beds and watched MTV and indulged! we realized last night that we dont need to go crazy and run around the city like maniacs trying to find something fun to do. we had way more fun just chilling in our dorm than following those crazy girls around on their little excursion. we decided to stop looking for fun and just make it our selves... once school starts everything will fall into place but now we are perfectly happy just hanging out. the funniest thing is on the elevator ride up from running around the city this girl said she actually went to that club and it was really fun so me and sean night go tonight (and get there early!!) today our academic orientation begins.... i will tell u guys about everything when i get back from all that! have an awesome day!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

My Dorm Room

New People

Last night was sooo much fun! first as i will repeat i was a little homesick for like one sad lonely hour yesterday afternoon. Sean wasn't in my room and my suite mate who i usually walk down to these orentation things with wasnt there either. Well i was on Facebook and i remembered this girl named Annie i was friends with from the summer i spent in NYC going to FIT. I really liked her then and we had exchanged adresses after the program so we could be pen pals (it was corney but we were way into it at the time) but once i got home i lost her address and somehow forgot her name (she was/still is obsessed with the white stripes and i always thought she kinda looked like Meg White so like in my mind i always thought of her as Meg and that happened to be the only name i remembered!) soo fastforward 2 years after i was accepeted to New School and i was looking though all the incoming freshmans pictures and i saw her and i saw her name and it just clicked and i sent her a message and she sent me one back saying she had an apt on the lower east side and that we should hang out once i got to the city. well yesterday i sent her a message needing a break from all the school sponsered night time events (wayyy boring stuff) and asked her if we could hang out some night if she was free. well after i sent the message a walked (alone) to my next orentations (Cybersaftey and City Smarts.... fun!) and on my way their i was informed via my cell phone and facebook mobile that Annie had wrote back saying that she and her roommates were actually having some friends over that night and said we should go check out their place. i was way excited to finally get out of the dorm that when i got to my meeting i just started socializing with random kids who were also waiting for the orentation to start and i ended up sitting with a group of girls and this girl Ronnie from chicago who was way nicce and we exchanged numbers. later when i went to my room and talked to annie online she was all like you can bring your roommate or anyone if you want (i texted sean the second i got her message telling her we were going out tonight!) but i randomly decided to invite ronnie too... i am not one to call people i just met or to set up social situations like this but i just felt like it so i did and we went to annies apt together and Ronnie and Sean (who didnt know eachother) seemed to hit it off which was awesome! We got to the apartment and i basically fell in love! it was the most amazing apartment ever! it had 2 floors 3 bedrooms and an amazing balcony patio with an amazing view of the newyork skyline (the empire state building was there and like soo close!! and all lit up!) the walls (which i later found out the apartment was designed with help from annies dad an interior designer) were painted these really awesome pop art colors and the accesories and furniture were gorgeous. Another plus is that the adorable boy from little miss sunshine lives a couple doors down! well we just sat on the balcony all night drinking coffee and talking about stuff. Annies roomates are awesome and annie was cooler then i remembered and we all had fun! sooo that was it. today i think me and sean might hit the gym and get some stuff for the room. its crazy fun here! i wish everyone could share it all with me !!! <3

Saturday, August 25, 2007

The Beginning

Greeting family and friends :) i am here writing to you from my dorm room in the village on my beautiful new mac book pro (thanks nana and papa xoxox)! the first few days have been crazy! First we drove to my grandparents house and dropped of David at camp then we drove to a hotel right out side the city. me mom and dad got there before the 8:00 am move in time dispite the warnings of traffic from the lady at the hotel desk. move in was crazy. we unloaded all my stuff onto the street (i had ALOT of stuff as you can imagine!) and my dad found a place for the car and mom watched my stuff while i basically ran back and forth from my room on the 8th floor back to my stuff! i meen there was an elevator but i only rode it up and i ran the stairs down... by the time dad came back all the stuff wasin my room and i was unfortunatly all gross and sweaty...lol. I loved the room the second i saw it its perfect!! i will post pictures too soon. sean, my room mate came a bit after me and i was kinda all unpacked.... shes way awesome and we totally hit it off. i got all unpacked and organized and hung up all my pictures and posters... me and sean think it looks really homey! i met my other suite mates for the first time... and they both seem really nice. that night we just hung out and ate tasti delight (heaven on earth!!) Friday we had alot of orientation things... get to know u games and seminars and i met alot of cool peolple. Mom and dad had little classes to go to which i believe they ended up skipping a few and going out to eat at one of the zagat resturants on their list.... a great example for their daughter about attending classes :) After getting some stuff done (got a sweet gym membership at Crunch right down the street from my dorm, signed up for my new bank of america card because citizens is no where to be seen and food shopping at trader joes where the line was out the door and we got yelled at 3rd grade style by an old man who claimed we cut him in line when really he cut like 10 people...fun fun) me mom and dad went out for our last night together before they left to go home to NH. we ate at this awesome (zagat reviewed ofcourse!) vietnmese resturant for dinner and then we went to this little desert bar called chicalicious where they gave you these delicious small portioned desserts in 3 courses...and we sat at the bar and got to watch them make it... it was so cool i thought i was on Top Chef or something! then after we invited sean and all went (to dads dismay) to see The Nanny Diaries at one of the many over priced (10.50) theaters near me. it was really good and we had fun. today we slept in then me mom and dad met my aunt michelle (who also lives in the city) and baby cousin sophie (the cutest thing you will ever see) for lunch. we had fun and i loved entertaining sophie! Then (finally..jk) mom and dad left. after the went no one was in the room and i was a little sad and homesick and anti social for a bout and hour or so but then i went to my orentation meeting and met some fun people so everythings great! i look forward to writing more!! and i will get you all picture :) xooxox i really do miss everyone! Sarah

The Start of Something New .....

Hello everyone!! Welcome to I Miss Sarah the college years edition!! For those of you who followed along in the original I Miss Sarah RISD Pre-College edition you kinda understand the purpose of this blog but for all others who were not fortunate enough to either know/like/care about it earlier (The whole acount of my adventures are still archived on this blog if you care to read on) i will explain. Now that i am away in New York City attending Parsons the New School for Design i have become very busy from my difficult work schedual and social obligations ( well a girl needs to have fun!) and as much as i already miss all of my family and friends i will rarely have time to nightly call everyone and give them updates on my ongoings (or even if i could i wouldnt be capable of doing them justice) This is where I Miss Sarah comes in... i created this blog the summer i went away to RISD so when people where curious about what i was doing they could just come and read rather then try and get a hold of me via phone/email. As much as miss everyone and love catching up i assume i will be fairly busy so i created this as a happy alteranative! So if your intrested in what i am doing i suggest adding this site to your favorites and now when ever your like... i wonder how Sarahs doing in New York City? you can come here and read (hopefully) daily accounts of my adventures, struggles and whatever else i find important at the moment! so i hope you find this useful/intresting and i look forward to writing about my day and hearing everyones comments!

[ps. did anyone catch my High School Musical reference? :) ]